Our Services
Our Services
We’d Love to Pawtner with You!
We take pride in providing quality care that sticks to your pets schedule as closely as possible.
To ensure your pet or pets are comfortable with our staff, we recommend scheduling a meet & greet with your sitter. This allows your fur baby to get to know us before regular visits start. We also get a chance to familiarize ourselves with your pet’s schedule and the location of items essential to their care. Meet & greets are complimentary and we’re happy to provide them for new clients or for clients assigned to a new sitter due to overbooking.
For a custom request not listed, please call for a complimentary consultation and quote. We love our clients and are always happy to assist.

Cat Visits
Starting @ $25.00 per visit
Prices Start At: $25.00 per visit
Contact For A Quote
pricing may vary based on location
(Up to 2 cats; $1.00 for each additional cat)
We visit your pets in the comfort of their home and care for them according to their schedule and your instructions. We also send pictures and text updates during visits!
Fresh food & water as needed
Playing & socializing
Clean litter box
Tidy up any messes
Take out trash & take bins to curb
Bring in mail & packages
Text updates

Dog Visits
Starting @ $25.00 per visit
Prices Start At: $25.00 per visit
Contact For A Quote
pricing may vary based on location
(Up to 2 dog; $1.00 for each additional dog)
We visit your pets in the comfort of their home and care for them according to their schedule and your instructions. We also send pictures and text updates during visits!
Potty breaks
Fresh food & water as needed
Playing & socializing
Tidy up any messes
Take out trash & take bins to curb
Bring in mail & packages
Text update

Dog Walks
Starting @ $35.00 per walk
30min: $35.00 per walk
45min: $50.00 per visit
pricing may vary based on location
Need someone to walk your dog while you are at work, busy, or sick? Don’t worry, we can help! We come to your home and take your dog on a short or long walk, whatever your pet is used to. We have experience walking multiple dogs, elderly dogs, and dogs recovering from illness or injury.
Whatever your best boy or good girl needs to feel happier and healthier, we’re happy to be of service.
Poop pick up
Fresh water
Text updates

Overnight Visits
Starting @ $75.00 per night
Limited Availability
Contact us for Pricing
Night Only | From 8pm to 7am
Day & Night | 24 hour
Pet Sitting & House Sitting
pricing may vary based on location
We provide overnight in home care for your pets. This type of visit is generally 10-12 hours and will include serving your fur baby breakfast before we leave. If you want a companion to hang out with your pets, have an older or a recovering animal that needs extra attention, then this is what you are looking for.
Potty breaks
Fresh food & water as needed
Playing & socializing
Clean litter box
Tidy up any messes
Take out trash & take bins to curb
Bring in mail & packages
All basic housesitting services
Text up dates
Administering Meds
Starting @ $5.00 per Day
Allergy pills: $5.00 per day
(Includes similar mild medication)
Medication: $10.00 per day
(Anything prescribed by a vet like insulin shots, pills given by mouth, etc.)
Does your fur baby have allergies? Is your dog or cat recovering from illness or injury?
Don’t worry! We can deliver their medication by the same method they’re used to from you. We’ll go over all of that with you during the consultation and follow up.

Pet Taxi
Starting @ $20.00
One Way Trip: $20.00
(Drop off or pick up from one location)
Roundtrip: $35.00
(Up to 5 miles)
Roundtrip: $50.00
(Starting at 10 miles; up to 20 miles)
Does your pup go to doggy daycare or obedience school several times a week? Does your fur baby need to make an appointment with the vet or groomer and your schedule just got busier? We can make sure they get where they need to go. All pet taxies are round trips, unless specified otherwise, so your fur baby will be waiting for you when you get home.
Taxi to: Vet | Groomers | Day Care
Text updates after drop off & pick up
Potty break @ end of round trip
Fresh food & water as needed

All Day & All Night
$130.00 per day
If your fur babies need more one-on-one attention and care, we provide all day & all night visits. This service includes 18-24hr care for your pets in the comfort of their home. We recommend this for clients with young rambunctious pets, pets who are used to you working from home, or pets who need special care or medication.
Potty breaks
Fresh food & water as needed
Playing & socializing
Clean litter box
Tidy up any messes
Take out trash & take bins to curb
Bring in mail & packages
All basic housesitting services
Replacement of household essentials (up to $15)
Text up dates

Senior Assisted Living Services
Starting @ $17.00
15min Potty Break: $17.00
30min Dog Walk: $20.00
We know that sometimes family just cannot get everything done when caring for their elderly parents and that is where Life Pawtners, LLC can help. We provide pet care for cats or dogs for our seniors in assisted living facilities.
We offer 15 minute potty breaks for all dogs and quick checks for cats. We can also provide 30 minute walks for super energetic dogs.
Potty breaks
Fresh food & water as needed
Clean litter box
Contact us for our specialty pricing for Pet Taxi services for seniors!

Add Ons
$5.00-$10.00 per service
Do you need a service added to your visit? Take a look at what we can do for you. Pricing depends on different factors like the complexity of the request. But don’t worry! We’ll go over all of that with you during the consultation and follow up.
Poop pick up
Medication administration
Pet essentials pick up
Grocery pick up for last day (up to $25)
Hydrodog Rowdy